Seed Swap List 2023/24

Seed Swap List 2023/24

I love swapping seeds with other plant nerds around the world. 

The number in the listing indicates the year the seeds were grown, or my best guess. Seeds are either grown by me, or surplus I've bought or traded- sources are indicated. Quantity is limited for most varieties unless I have a lot. 

For trades, I am mainly interested in uncommon perennial vegetables hardy to zone 7 at least, but I may also be interested in annuals of interesting vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs, or flowers. See my wishlist below. 

Note- not all plants on this list are edible, but most are. 

Send me an email if you'd like to inquire about swapping.

Seed Swap List

Botanical name / Year of Harvest / Common Name

Achillea millefolium 22 + 23 - Pink and White Yarrow

Acorus americanus 19? Sweet Flag from Prairie Moon

Allium cepa var. aggregatum 22 + 23 - Andy's Green Mountain Multiplier Onion (potato onion)

Allium cepa var. aggregatum 23 - Errington Heirloom Potato Onion Bulbs - Yellow Multiplier

Allium cepa var. aggregatum 23 - Lorient Multiplier Onion Cross (crossed with Andy's Green Mountain and an unknown yellow potato onion)

Allium cernuum 22+23 Nodding Onion

Allium fistulosum 22 - Welsh Onion, but I think this may actually be the wrong species. The flower heads are round

Allium porrum 22 + 23 - Delft Perpetual Leek

Allium sp. 21 - wild from Tree Island

Allium x proliferum 23 - Egyptian Walking Onion Bulbils

Amaranthus tricolor 21 - Miriah Leaf Amaranth

Anethum graveolens 23 - Dill

Apium graveolens 22 - Chinese Pink Celery X Giant Red Celery

Aralia sp 21 - collected in Wilson Creek, 20 ft tall

Aralia spinosa 22? Devil's Walkingstick from EFN

Armoracia rusticana 21 - Horseradish rfom Peter Clarke

Arnica sp 23 - Wild collected in Merritt

Ashwagandha mixed with purple tomatillo 21 - seed mixup... 

Astragalus membranaceus 22 + 23 - Astragalus

Atriplex canescens 22? Four Wing Saltbush from EFN

Beta vulgaris 20? Bull blood Beet from Wildrose Heritage Seeds

Beta vulgaris 22 - Gnarly Long Lived beet leaf Mix from EFN

Blitum bonus-henricus 21+22+23 - Good King Henry

Brassica oleracea botrytis 22 - 9-Star Perennial Broccoli Seeds

Brassica oleracea var. Ramosa 22 + 23 - Homesteader's Kaleidoscopic Perennial Kale Grex 

Brassica oleracea? 20 - Wild Qualicum Beach Kale

Brassica oleracea? 21 + 22? Dietrich's Wild broccoli Raab, EFN and home

Cakile edentula 20 - American Sea Rocket wild collected from Northwest Vancouver Island

Calendula officinalis 22 - Calendula

Campanula latifolia 21? from Stephen 

Campanula rapunculus 22 - Rampion from Eagleridge Seeds

Campanula takesimana 23 - Korean Bellflower Seeds

Capsicum flexuosum 23 - Cold Hardy Chili Pepper/Ke-huí

Carum carvi 22 Caraway "Arterner" from Rhythm Seed Farm

Celeriac 21? Giant Prague Dolvi - from William Dam

Centella asiatica 22 + 23 - Gotu Kola

Cirsium setidens 21 + 23 - Gondre/Korean thistle from Kseedz and home

Claytonia perfoliata 23 - Miner's Lettuce

Clinopodium vulgare 22? Wild Basil From Eagleridge Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus 23 - Fizzy Rose Picotee Cosmos

Cosmos sulphureus 21 - Tango Cosmos

Cota tinctoria 22 - Dyer's Chamomile

Cryptotaenia canadensis 21? from Stephen Barstow

Cryptotaenia japonica 21? +22 Mistuba. From Kseedz and home

Cucumis melo 23 - Armenian Cucumber, light green

Cucumis sativus 23 - Early Russian Cucumber Grex

Cucurbita moschata 21? - Butternut Squash grown by Dragonfly Seeds

Cuminum cyminum 22? Cumin from Incredible Seed Co

Cyclanthera pedata 23 - Achocha

Cydonia oblonga 21 - unknown quince, relatively early, large, Chilliwack

Daucus carota 21? Oxheart Carrot from Richters

Diplotaxis tenuifolia 22+23 - Sylvetta Perennial Arugula

Dracocephalum moldavica 18 - Moldavian Dragonhead

Echinacea purpurea 21 - Paradiso Mix Echinacea

Eruca vesicaria 22 - Arugula

Eryngium foetidum 21 + 22 + 23 Culantro. From Richters and home

Fritillaria camschatcensis 21 (wild) + 23 (garden) - Rice Root/Chocolate Lily

Hablitzia tamnoides 23 - Caucasian Spinach

Helianthus annuus 22 - tall yellow Sunflower

Helianthus maximiliani 22 - Maximilian Sunflower

Hyssopus officinalis 23 - Hyssop

Kenaf 21 - Minghong 8234 (4 plants)

Lactuca sativa 21 - Parris Island Cos Lettuce

Lithospermum erythrorhizon 20? Chinese Gromwell from Richters

Lovage 20 - from The Burrow

Lunaria annua 22- Money Plant

Malva moschata 23 - Musk mallow pink and white

Mentha pulegium 21 - Pennyroyal

Microseris sp. 22 - Yam Daisy/Murnong - NOT M. walteri, multiple tubers

Molospermum 21? From Stephen

Nigella 20- black cumin from Jaymee

Ocimum basilicum 21? Genoves basil from Seedville USA

Ocimum sp 22? Fruity tuulsi grex from Tanja

Ocimum sp 22? Perpetual Basil from Tanja 

Ocinum tenuiflorum 22 - Holy Basil

Oenanthe pimpinelloides 22+23 - Meadow Parsley/Corky-fruited Water-dropwort

Passiflora incarnata 23 Maypop

Pedicularis canadensis 19? from Prairie Moon

Pedicularis lanceolata 19? From Prairie Moon

Petroselinum crispum 23 - Mostly Curly Parsley

Phaseolus vulgaris 23 - Pale Lavender Grey Bush Bean Seeds - Semi-Climber, grown by Jenelle

Phaseolus vulgaris 23 - Princess Rose Semi-Vine Bush Bean, grown by Jenelle

Phaseolus vulgaris 23 - Red Swan Bush Bean, grown by Jenelle 

Physalis peruviana 22+23 Cape Gooseberry

Physalis virginiana 21+22+23 Denver Perennial Groundcherry - low germ

Phyteuma nigra 21? - Black Rampion from Stephen

Pisum sativum 21 - Perpetual Pea-ce

Pisum sativum 23 - Sugar Snap Pea

Plantago coronopus 22 - Minutina Seeds/Buck's Horn Plantain

Plantago sp 22 - Sea Plantain - wild collected in Broughton Archipelago 

Platycodon grandiflorus 22? Ballonflower / Doraji from Kseedz

Polish Root Parsley 21? From EFN

Porophyllum linaria 20 + 21 + 22+ 23 - Pepicha from home

Porophyllum ruderale 20+ 21 + 22 - Papalo from Richters, home, and Tanja

Porophyllum ruderale 20+ 21 + 22 - Quillquina from Experimental Farm Network and home

Portulaca 22? - Mithra Broadleaf Purslane from EFN

Raphanus 20 - Black Spanish Radish from Jaymee

Raphanus 20? Chinese Shawo Fruit Radish from Baker Creek

Raphanus 20? Watermelon Radish from T&T supermarket

Raphanus 21? Rattail radish from EFN

Raphanus 219- Chinese Red Meat Radish from Baker Creek

Raphanus sativus 21? German Beer Radish from Saltspring seeds

Red malabar Spinach - various years and sources

Reichardia picroides - 21+ 22 + 23 - Sweet Lettuce/French Scorzonera

Rudbeckia laciniata 23 - Sochan

Rumex acetosa 21? French Garden Sorrel from Dragonfly Seeds

Rumex sanguineus 22 - Red-Veined Sorrel, Bloody Dock

Rumex patienta 22+23 - Patience Dock

Sagittaria latifolia 21? Common Arrowhead from Prairie Moon Nursery

Sanguisorba minor 22 + 23 - Salad Burnet

Sanguisorba sp 22 wild collected from Broughton archipelago

Scabiosa stellata 23 - Starflower Scabiosa, grown by Jenelle

Scorzonera hispanica 23 - Black Salsify

Sculletaria baikalenis 19? Baikal Skullcap from Saltspring Seeds

Silene vulgaris 22? Sculpit from Blackbird Hollow

Sium sisarum 23 - Skirret

Solanum lycopersicum 21 + 22 - Heirloom Tomato Seed Mix

Solanum lycopersicum 22 - Brad's Atomic Grape Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 22 - Karma Miracle X Q-Series Panamorous Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 23 - Barry's Crazy Cherry Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 23 - Blush Tiger Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 23 - Karma Miracle Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum 23 - Paul Robeson

Solanum lycopersicum 23 - Strawberry Cherry Tomato

Solanum retroflexum 20 - Sunberry

Stachys affinis 23 – Chinese artichoke, crosne- tubers

Chenopodium capitatum 21 - Strawberry Spinach

Tagetes filifolia 22? Irish Lace from Tanja

Tagetes lucida 22? from Tanja and Rhythm Seed Farm

Tagetes minuta 22 - Black mint from Rhythm Seed Farm

Talinum paniculatum 21+22 - Fame Flower/Jewels of Opar 

Tetradium daniellii 21? - Bee Bee Tree World Wonder Gardens- I could not germinate

Tragopogon porrifolius 22 - Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify/Oyster Root

Tragopogon samaritanii - 21? Samaritan's Goatbeard from Stephen Barstow

Valerianella locusta 22+23 - Corn Salad

Verbena hastata 22 - Blue Vervain

Vicia faba 23 - Purple Haze Fava Bean Mix

Xerochrysum bracteatum 23 - Strawflower Mix

Zinnia haageana 23 - Mexican Zinnia


Wish List

Allium coryi

Allium victorialis

Angelica keiskei - Ashitaba

Apios americana - Giant LSU selection or similar large-tuber selection

Apium nodiflorum / Helosciadium nodiflorum) - Fool's Watercress

Apium prostratum - Sea Parsley

Atriplex halimus

Bunium bulbasticum - Earth Chestnut (seeds should not be shaped like small cylinders or cylinders split in half lengthwise)

Cardamine bulbifera

Cardamine dyphylla

Elatostemma umbellatum

Dichelostemma congestum - Ookow

Lactuca indica - Indian Lettuce

Megacarpaea delavayi

Mertensia ciliata

Prunusa armeniaca / Prunus sibirica 'Briana'

Sagittaria trifolia - Chinese Arrowheahead (seeds or tubers)

Salix miyabeana

Salix purpurea 'Packing Twine'

Sanguisorba canadensis

Sanicula graveolens

Sedum sarmentosum

Sium suave - Hemlock Water Parsnip

Stachys floridana - Florida Betony

Triteleia laxa - Grassnut / Brodiaea

Xanthoxylum americanum - Prickly Ash

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